Friday, April 23, 2010

1st Monthly Gathering a Success

On Tuesday, April 20th, we held our first monthly gathering at Paul and Kay Nichols home. It was a big success. We had over 15 of our pilgrims attend! Everyone brought a delicious cover dish so there was plenty of food; appetizers, salad, main course, and desert. The evening was beautiful so there was the option to eat outside or in.

After dinner we gathered in the den to take care of business! First order was to review the travel plans. Several had not yet registered so we reviewed the registration form. Then we discussed tips for traveling overnight, packing bags, and dealing with foreign currency. We also discussed Passports. If you don't have one its time to get one. Check closely to be sure that your passport date is good for at least three months after we are due to return.

Knowing that we would probably need to spend more time on travel tips at this meeting than most we prepared for a discussion of touring Jehrico only. Mike and Russell had some great information. Mike started by sharing about how important this part of the world, the Crossroads of Cultures, has been throughout history. He showed us a very interesting website tracing the major empires in history. Click here to take a look!

Then Russell shared about his trip to the ancient city of Jehrico when he went before. He suggested that we all get a notebook and put information that is shared during these meetings. Then he handed out some maps, pictures, and information to put in the first entry. If you couldn't be there, or didn't get a copy, just let us know and we can get it to you.

Before closing in prayer we talked about our May meeting. We've decided that the best time and place to meet could change from month to month so we won't set a regular plan. The next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 11th, 5:30 PM, at Mark and Carol Fosters home. Watch the e-mail to get the address. We will be discussing the other places that we will visit on the first tour day along with Jehrico.

Did you notice the new feature on the Blog? Pictures!! I got several good shots that I've added as a slideshow. We'll be collecting these at each of the meetings, and then on the trip. Feel free to share the Blog site with your friends and family so that they can keep up with our trip.

Till next time... Rejoice Always!

Monday, April 19, 2010

April Gathering is tomorrow night!

Good morning! One more day until our first gathering. Kay and I are excited to have this first dinner and discussion group at our house. It's going to be warm and hopefully the possibility of rain will remain further west so that we can take advantage of space in the yard as well as the house for dinner. We've heard from several of you, but not all, that you are coming. We hope everyone can make it. Remember, this is very casual. We'll be dining with paper plates and plastic forks and spoons. We want to set the precedent for convenience so that no one will hesitate to participate in these in the future. So plan to bring a simple cover dish meal or desert. We'll furnish drinks, ice, etc.

This first gathering will primarily focus on travel tips because the first two days of the trip will be involved in traveling from Raleigh-Durham Airport to Tel-Aviv. Several of us have not flown out of the country before so this will be a good time for those that have to give recommendations for traveling. Bring your passport if you have it because there have been some questions about what information from it is needed on ACTS registration form. We will also have other forms, like the Travel Insurance form, and discuss these.

ACTS has sent a second video for us to review. This one is from the Tourism Department of Israel. In order to get a sense of the study we will have for the future we will take a look at Jericho, one of the places we will tour on our first tour day. We have a plan for these studies now. I will review the places from their significance in the Old Testament. Jim Leudtke will teach us about them from the New Testament and Jesus day. Russell, who has taken this trip before, will give us a cultural and geographic perspective. And Mike Koch will talk about the places from a historic perspective. Tomorrow night Mike has a special website that shows the significance of the Middle East in all of the world powers of western culture. We're going to be very enlightened! In April we will be ready to really begin our study of the other places we'll visit on our first tour day.

We will also review the Blog that I'm using to keep folks up to date. I'm not sure how many of us have visited the Blog but only very few have registered as "friends." My goal is to use it as a repository for all of our journey, including the studies, so that our families, friends, Sunday-school classmates, and church may follow and participate in the experience if they want too. As we complete this pilgrimage we will then have a repository of stories, pictures, and even video to refer to. You may not have ever participated in a Blog before so we'll review how it works and you can then sign up with confidence if you want too!

Looking forward to tomorrow night. Please, I'll remind you once more, send me a response by e-mail or phone call to let us know if you are coming. We will have a better idea of how many to prepare for!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dear Fellow Holy Land Travelers,

I trust that everyone had a great Easter. The time has now come to begin our preparations for the Holy Land Pilgrimage in earnest. In a couple of weeks we will begin our monthly gathering to study the places we are touring. This message will focus on details for the first gathering but I do have a reminder that requires some immediate attention.

People are beginning to register with ACTS for the trip. It is not required that you register this early but there is an “Early Registration Discount” of $100.00 if you register by May 1st. There is a registration deposit of $350.00 required. A copy of the brochure is available at church or I’ll send you one via e-mail if you let me know. Registration should be sent directly to ACTS and the information is on the flyer. ACTS sends me a copy of those who have registered each week.

Let me make a couple of notes about the registration application. First, if you haven’t yet determined who your roommate will be, and are not planning to pay extra for a single room, then put TBD in the blank for roommate name and check Assign me a Roommate. We will work with you to determine who this will be rather than have someone randomly assigned. When you get to the second column you should list 1st Pres. SoBo as your Travel Host, Feb. 10th, 2011 as your Departure Date, and Raleigh, NC as your Departure City. Check the Basic Program blank and add the other options if you want them. You can make this decision later. Remember, you do not pay for these now, you only send a check for the deposit at this time. Check your Passport now to be sure that it the dates will not expire until several months after our trip. If you don’t have a passport then you need to apply as soon as possible. ACTS can help with this. If you have questions then don’t hesitate to contact ACTS. They are very helpful. I will be happy to answer questions too if I can.

Now to the 1st Gathering! Kay and I are hosting the first gathering at our home. I’ve sent out an email with directions. Contact me if you didn’t get one. We will meet Tuesday, April 20th at 5:30pm and have fellowship, dinner, and the study of the first day’s tour. We’re hoping for a beautiful day so that we can eat both indoors and out on the porch. Everyone come casual and bring a cover dish. We’ll have coffee, tea, and a variety of soft-drinks. I’ve never yet been part of a cover dish where everyone wasn’t full with plenty left over. It’s like when Jesus fed the five thousand with loaves of bread and a few fish and they took up more than they started with when it was over. We can discuss where the June meeting will be and how to prepare for it during this fellowship.

After we eat we will gather in our den for the study of the first tour. I imagine that there will be quite a few travel details to review that may take some time but this is good for it will help us really get to know each other. That’s another reason we’re having these meetings. My experience is that traveling together on a tour like this creates very strong friendships and lasting memories. We will begin to build these early!

Some of us are already gathering resources for the study of our tours. We’ll be covering Old Testament references, New Testament references, interesting geographical issues, a historic review, cultural perspectives, and the contemporary significance of each place. (at least we’ll be trying to cover each of these. Looks like a tall order!) Finally, we want to begin praying for God’s blessing of the trip, and that His Will be done within each of us as we travel.

Meeting on the third Tuesday may not work for everyone. We will discuss other times for future gatherings. You may not be able to make every month’s gathering but hopefully we can find the right time to suit most of the group. I will keep a summary of our monthly study on the Blog.

Kay and I look forward to hosting this first gathering. We are excited about sharing this trip with each of you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.